Transition Services
Look up what California Colleges have your career, program, or certificate of choice:
California Community College Program Search
California State University Degree Search
University of California Major Search
Click below for a list of offices at each College system
For students in the Alternate Curriculum Program, click the link to Think College to explore post-secondary programs for students with moderate to severe disabilities:
Think College
Use these links to search for Post-Secondary programs and schools for your career of interest:
California Department of Education : Education and Training Site
Not sure about what career to investigate or want to find out about many positions in your career area of interest? Visit O Net for detailed information on careers or to browse careers by your interest, abilities, knowledge education needed. Click here to discover your future career possibilities.
If you'd like to search videos on your career choice click Career One Stop and enter a job, occupation or career in the "Search Career One Stop" Window or "Occupation Profile"
LAUSD also offers Career Training to help you prepare for a career! Click below for information and to learn more:
Click here to visit the LAUSD DACE website or click on one of the locations below:
Are you a teenager looking for a job? Check out the helpful links below to programs in LA for teens.
Need to create a resume to apply for a job. Click below for a resume worksheet to help you.
Get to know your community by clicking the links to helpful resources and locations near you!
Click below for Career, Post-Secondary, and Independent Living lessons and information or EMAIL Mr. Artica at
To help us to improve our webpage by completing a feedback form click here
This page includes resources and website links that have been created by organizations other than LAUSD and are for informational purposes only. These resources can include trainings, research, tools, forms, videos/webinars, websites, and other materials. Inclusion on this site does not imply endorsement by Los Angeles Unified School District, but is intended as a resource for those interested in learning about Transition Resources.