STUDENTS » Transition Services

Transition Services

Look up what California Colleges have your career, program, or certificate of choice:
California Community College Program Search
California State University Degree Search
University of California Major Search
Click below for a list of offices at each College system
For students in the Alternate Curriculum Program, click the link to Think College to explore post-secondary programs for students with moderate to severe disabilities:
Think College
Use these links to search for Post-Secondary programs and schools for your career of interest:
California Department of Education : Education and Training Site
LAUSD also offers Career Training to help you prepare for a career!  Click below for information and to learn more:
LAUSD Division of Adult and Career Education Image
Click here to visit the LAUSD DACE website or click on one of the locations below:
Are you a teenager looking for a job?  Check out the helpful links below to programs in LA for teens.
Get to know your community by clicking the links to helpful resources and locations near you!