Ms. Martinez serves as the PSA Counselor. She can be contacted at [email protected]. Attendance is important at Dymally H.S. Working with various staff members, Dymally will ensure that our students attend school each day. We will partner with our parents through weekly conferences that address students' tardies and attendance. It is our goal that all of our students demonstrate a 96% or higher attendance rate. We have interventions and strategies to increase attendance rates. Donations from community businesses have been used to provide incentives to motivate our students to maintain excellent attendance.
Parent conferences about attendance, discipline, and academics are conducted to create a partnership to support our students. With the support and assistance of our students' parents, we are successfully creating plans to ensure that our students are on track to graduate. School starts each day at 8:20 am. The first period of the day begins at 8:30 am. Please help us as we strive to provide a quality instructional program for our students. We are compelled to make a difference.